Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ten Reasons you should come to the International Book Fair

1. You can dine with famous international celebrities.
2. You can get first edition books, signed by the authors.
3. You can see an Asian tea ceremony.
4. You can watch a play.
5. You can listen to live music.
6. You can see original art work.
7. You can learn about other cultures, other history.
8. You can make some really cool things.
9. You can win some really cool things -- like a $100 gift card to
Half-Price Books.
10. You can discover Bilingual SpeedReading, the easy way to read a second language.

You can do all this, and still make it home in plenty of time for Trick-or-Treat.

So have some fun -- and treat yourself to the International Book Fair.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


¿Cuáles son tus héroes?...¿Tienes suficientes? Con el despliegue de tiempo y sueños de la niñez y adolescencia, recuerdo leer con bastante renuencia el libro Los Comentarios Reales, al que hoy me aboco a rendirle tributo y así ser un eslabón entre aquellos maestros que me lo enseñaron y la comunidad del pueblo que me acoge. En esos años juveniles, apertrechada con mis canciones favoritas que transmitía la radio, en un inglés que no entendía pero que me entretenía imitar, era su escritor, el cusqueño Gomez Suarez de Figueroa -que así lo bautizaron a quien años más tarde decidió tomar el nombre de su padre Garcilaso de la Vega uniéndolo al "Inca" de su madre- alguien absolutamente ajeno a mí. A simple vista, este visitado escritor era un hijo natural de dos nobles, de dos mundos opuestos y dependientes a quien lo salvó la educación de las penurias de ser mestizo en una época colonial. ¡Cuán dificil hacernos comprender a los jóvenes que uno se vale de los héroes que escoge para inspirarse en la vida años más tarde! Yo quiero dar lo mejor de la tierra que me vió nacer a las generaciones que hacen el país que ahora es mío.
A la charla sobre el legado del Inca y el video que serán en español, quiero por deferencia a maestros de habla inglesa poner a disposición de ellos esta bio en Inglés

Friday, October 16, 2009

Youtube about the fair

For more information about the program, motivations and participants click on and leave a comment! We want to hear from you.
Vean el youtube, esperamos sus preguntas y comentarios. Sugerencias, ideas. Las necesitamos para seguir creando comunidad!
Nos vemos en 1515 Young St. Dallas!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Press Release for Book Fair

The press release for the book fair is now online at
We encourage the media to publish information about the book fair. Please contact Dallas Public Library - Miriam Rodriguez at 214-670-7809 for interviews.


Click! click!... Let's meet via Internet no matter where you are thanks to on Oct. 31 at 10:15am CDT (Central Time USA!) to honor 400 years of a fundamental book to understand Latin America: Los Comentarios Reales (translates to The Regal and True Commentaries)

Virtual and Real Book signing: We will have a Guest Book for Virtual and Real attendees like you: A group of volunteers will be there to take the names of people connecting via chat. The guest book will include your name, the name (and web site) of the organization you represent, ... if you , citizens of the world are calling as individual, that is perfectly OK. We hope to pay tribute to this writer with a minimum of 400 signatures thanks to nowadays technologies. ...mmm,...He decided to include or personalize his signature adding Ynca to his name, ...I assume to differentiate himself from the other poet, and proudly, paying respect to his Inca ancestors. I like the guy.
I love the fact that technology is here to build bridges between generations, ... people making their living in the homeland or abroad must feel connected with their heritage, strong positive role models. That help us to be more productive and happy.

Celebrations are happening all over the world. In fact the same Sat Oct 31, scholars will be meeting in Seville, Spain. ...while we gather at www.dallasinternationalbookfair!!


Don't miss it OCT 31 AT 10:15AM PERFORMANCE SPACE A 15' VIDEO ABOUT MAJOR HISPANIC ROLE MODEL FOR OUR IMMIGRANT GENERATIONS: INCA GARCILASO DE LA VEGA. Sponsor: Consulate of Perú in Dallas. This interesting video would help us to enrich our knowledge about our daring predecesors.Video produced by Backus Foundation. Ideal for educators, ESL, bilingual teachers,parents, Spanish speaking students, students taking Spanish courses. This year all over the world scholars celebrate 400 years of his most celebrated book Los Comentarios Reales. Come and join us. Enjoy the music.Sign the guest book. It'll be a treat for everyone.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Author of new novel

The 4th Dallas International Book Fair is a festival of reading for all ages. This is not a school book fair, though children are very welcome. There is programming and book signing by authors for all reading interests.

I will be signing my new book, my first novel: Angela 1: Starting Over. Please check it out at

Schedule For Book Fair

The schedule for events has been posted. Please click on this link to view it.

4TH International Book Fair In Dallas Texas

The J. Erik Jonsson Central Library is hosting its fourth international book fair in October to promote the love for books, reading and writing. The event will be held on October 30, 31 and November 1st, 2009. Please save the date!

The event is free and open to the public. International, national and local authors will be reading and signing books. Cultural programs will again include artistic performances, poetry reading, music and children activities.Here is an online video about the Festival, in Spanish.

For more information contact:

Dallas Public Library — 214-670-1400 —
J. Erik Jonsson Central Library — 1515 Young St., Dallas TX 75201